Magic of Music
Magic of Music
Anderer Sender / Germany
Electronic, Kids,
Radio Teddy Teddy Cool
Alternative, Pop, Rock
Hear it loud Radio
Big Band, Jazz, Swing
Rock, ,
Radio Gong 96.3 Rock
Community, Misc,
Radio Sound
Hits, Music,
Nu Rock Show
Hits, Pop,
Disco, Oldies, Pop
Radio Voice
Hits, Pop,
Vaterstettener Welle
Hits, Pop,
N Joy Pop
Chillout, ,
1A Chillout
Alternative, Rock,
Antenne Rhein Ruhr
Songs, ,
Charlys Funradio
Hits, Music,
Radio Wildflecken
Music, ,
DLSN Saxony
Rock, ,
Rockland Radio Trier
80s, ,
Radio Koln 80er
Hits, ,
Hit Fox Music
Blues, ,
Radio Alex FM Blue
Ballads, Discofox, Party Hits
Schlager Garage
Hits, Music,
Radio Regenbogen Kuschelrock
, ,
Music, ,
Antenne Sauerland
Hits, Local Music,
Antenne Passau Austria
90s, ,
Radio Kiepenkerl Dein 90er
Hits, Music,
Rtv BabaZir
Easy Listening, Jazz, News
MBR Radio
Dance, Electronic,
BN Radio Germany
Hits, ,
Hits, ,
Dance, ,
Alles Dance
Classic, Rock,
RPR1 Classic Rock
Various, ,
Antenne Herford
Folk, Hits, Pop
Heideland Radio
Hits, Rock,
Power Radio 94
Hits, ,
Coding FM
2000s, 70s, 80s
Antenne Bayern Greatest Hits
, ,
CurrentBN Radio
Hits, Pop, Rock
Hits, ,
Hits, Oldies,
Katzen Radio
Chillout, Easy Listening, Relaxing
1A Entspannt
Hits, Music,
6 Radio
Alternative, Hip Hop, Indie
Forty4 FM
Classics, Rock,
STAR FM Rock Classics
Metal, Rock,
Pop, Rock,
Tommr Radio
90s, ,
Singlestreff Radio 90er Jahre
Blues, Jazz, Pop
Trilllingo FM
Folk, Rock,
Radio Rabenwind
2000s, 80s, 90s
Ostseewelle Hit Radio
Hits, Pop, Rock
Schlager, ,
Antenne Havel
, ,
Radio Dunklemacht
Hits, Pop, Music
80s, 90s, Pop
Oldiefans – Das Original
Hip Hop, Soul,
Say Say Soulful Hip-Hop Radio
Chillout, ,
Antenne Bayern Chillout
Folk, ,
FolkyTon Radio
Pop, Rock,
Radio Redstone