Antenne Austro Hits
Antenne Austro Hits
Anderer Sender / Austria
Folk, Music,
Radyo Dost Viyana
Misc, Music,
Drava Radio
Various, ,
All4Life Radio
House, Pop, Rock
, ,
Radio Slatka Tajna
, ,
DHLC Radio
Disco, Electronic, Rock
Drum and Bass FM
Classic, Hits, Oldies
Radio Arabella 92.9
Christmas, ,
Life Radio Tirol- Weihnachtshits
, ,
Antenne Kaernten
, ,
KroneHit Digital UHD
Local Music, ,
Vitezevo Radio
Music, ,
Hits, Pop, Top 40
See Stadt Radio
Dance, House, Rock
FlameFM Dance
Pop, Rock, Top 40
Welle 1 Graz
80s, ,
80s Radio
Blues, Metal, Rock
Insane Rock Station
Classic, Culture, News
ORF - Ö1 International
Country, Dance,
LCR Linedance and Country Radio
Music, Hits, Schlager
Radio Flamingo
Electronic, House,
KroneHit BigCityBeats
Hits, Pop, Top 40
Kronehit Fresh
Variety, Schlager, National
ORF - Radio Vorarlberg
Hits, Pop, Top 40
Radio Arabella Herzflimmern
Pop, Hits, Rock
Radio 88.6
Music, ,
Dubbase FM
Oldies, ,
Antenne Vorarlberg Oldies
Hits, Local Music,
Classic, Jazz, Music
Radio Mega-Sunshine
80s, Hits,
Antenne 80er Pop
Classical, ,
Radio Stephansdom
Local Music, ,
Radio Osttirol
Electronic, Hits,
Kronehit Balkan Beats
Culture, News, Talk
Radio Freirad
Entertainment, Hits,
FunBoxX Radio
Ambient, Chill-Out, Downtempo
Soundstorm Relax Radio
Blues, Classic Rock, Rock
Radio M1
Pop, Rock,
Radio Head
Local Music, ,
Kitt Radio
Hip Hop, ,
Mix, Music, Hits
Arabella Österreich
Rock, ,
Korna FM
70s, Classic Hits,
Arabella 70er
Hip Hop, ,
KroneHit German Hip Hop
80s, 90s, Dance
Antenne Vorarlberg PLUS 80er,90er
Culture, Talk, Music
ORF - Ö1 - Österreich 1
Music, News,
Mass Home Webradio
Rock, Classic Rock, Hard Rock
Rock Antenne Österreich
Hits, ,
Lavica Radio
Ethnic, Folk, Pop
Radio Sladi
Hits, Pop, National
Pop, ,
Antenne Überdosis Gfühl
Hits, Pop, Rock
Kronehit Radio
Classic Rock, Rock,
Radio Austria – Best of Rock
, ,
94.1FM Gold Coast
Rock, ,
Radio Technikum Rock Cockpit
Electronic, ,
Kronehit Clubland
Christmas, ,
Antenne Steiermark Christmas Hits
Classic, Opera,
Radio klassik Stephansdom