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bigFM Nordrhein-Westfalen

bigFM Nordrhein-Westfalen
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bigFM Nordrhein-Westfalen

bigFM Nordrhein-Westfalen is a web radio station that broadcasts the latest hits and news from the region of North Rhine-Westphalia in Germany. The station is part of the bigFM network, which offers various music genres and shows for different audiences. The network was founded in 2000 and is based in Stuttgart. The network reaches over 2.5 million listeners per day.bigFM Nordrhein-Westfalen’s Programs:It plays a mix of music from top charts, pop, hip hop, and German rap, featuring the most popular artists and the hottest beats. The station also provides regional news and information, covering topics such as traffic, weather, sports, and events.Vision and Impact:bigFM Nordrhein-Westfalen is available online 24/7. The station aims to entertain and inform its listeners with the best music and the most relevant news from North Rhine-Westphalia. It has become a prominent radio station earning a special place in the hearts of its listeners. With a commitment to delivering top-quality entertainment and informative content, it stands as a beacon of the airwaves in the North Rhine-Westphalia region.Hosts:The station’s hosts are young, dynamic, and passionate about music and culture. They are at the Centre of bigFM Nordrhein-Westfalen’s popularity. Keeping the listening experience lively and full of joy. bigFM Nordrhein-Westfalen is the perfect choice for music lovers as well as for the news and info loving community. The radio works as a community and hub for the music fans of the region. It hosts exciting events, connects with its audience through social media, and fosters a vibrant fan base. Listeners of all age group loves the programs and enjoy its presentation of music, gossip, news, talk shows and more.Overall, bigFM Nordrhein-Westfalen is a good option for people who are looking for a radio station that plays a variety of popular music genre. It also has a news and information program, which is a plus.
Land: Deutschland
Genre(s): Hip-Hop / News / Pop
AAC: 128 Kb/s | FLAC(Hz): 96000
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bigFM Nordrhein-Westfalen
bigFM Nordrhein-Westfalen
bigFM Nordrhein-Westfalen
bigFM Nordrhein-Westfalen is a web radio station that broadcasts the latest hits and news from the region of North Rhine-Westphalia in Germany. The station is part of the bigFM network, which offers various music genres and shows for different audiences. The network was founded in 2000 and is based in Stuttgart. The network reaches over 2.5 million listeners per day.bigFM Nordrhein-Westfalen’s Programs:It plays a mix of music from top charts, pop, hip hop, and German rap, featuring the most popular artists and the hottest beats. The station also provides regional news and information, covering topics such as traffic, weather, sports, and events.Vision and Impact:bigFM Nordrhein-Westfalen is available online 24/7. The station aims to entertain and inform its listeners with the best music and the most relevant news from North Rhine-Westphalia. It has become a prominent radio station earning a special place in the hearts of its listeners. With a commitment to delivering top-quality entertainment and informative content, it stands as a beacon of the airwaves in the North Rhine-Westphalia region.Hosts:The station’s hosts are young, dynamic, and passionate about music and culture. They are at the Centre of bigFM Nordrhein-Westfalen’s popularity. Keeping the listening experience lively and full of joy. bigFM Nordrhein-Westfalen is the perfect choice for music lovers as well as for the news and info loving community. The radio works as a community and hub for the music fans of the region. It hosts exciting events, connects with its audience through social media, and fosters a vibrant fan base. Listeners of all age group loves the programs and enjoy its presentation of music, gossip, news, talk shows and more.Overall, bigFM Nordrhein-Westfalen is a good option for people who are looking for a radio station that plays a variety of popular music genre. It also has a news and information program, which is a plus.
Land: Germany
Genre(s): Hip-Hop / News / Pop
AAC: 128 Kb/s | FLAC(Hz): 96000
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AAC: 128 Kb/s
FLAC(Hz): 192000
AAC: 192 Kb/s
FLAC(Hz): 44100
AAC: 128 Kb/s
FLAC(Hz): 44100
AAC: 320 Kb/s
FLAC(Hz): 48000
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AAC: 128 Kb/s
FLAC(Hz): 192000
AAC: 192 Kb/s
FLAC(Hz): 44100
AAC: 128 Kb/s
FLAC(Hz): 44100
AAC: 320 Kb/s
FLAC(Hz): 48000
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